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Day 6 & 7: Finals

The first two days of the finals were a mixed bag for the team. We had a bit of everything: - Melkers top 10 in the gold fleet - Hugos...

Day 5: Team Racing

The second day teamracing started with a tight race against Greece, which the team won by good team-racing on the last The following...

Day 4: Team-racing

During the first team-racing day, Sweden secured a save win in the first match against the sailors representing the United Arabic...

Day 3: Fleet-Race

The same procedure as every day: Little wind around lunch and then around 5m/s wind. On the third day there was also a considerable...

Day 2: Fleet-Race

Even on the second the first start was post-ponned by the race commite waiting for the wind to come. First start was around 1pm with...

Day 1: Fleet-race

To the disappointment of the team who has shown good speed in strong winds, the breeze from the last days (8-12m/s) has disappeared just...

First start only minutes away... finally

After a lay-day yesterday fleetracing is going to start only minutes from now. Yesterday the team had a lay day with a lots of swimming...

VM laget på plats i Cypern, inmätta och registrerad

Nu har vi landat här i värmen på Cypern, 31 grader i skuggan och det var lite idag. Det har varit upp till 37 under veckan. Vi har seglat...

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